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About the workshop
10 hours 30 minutes – Originally recorded at Miraval, Arizona. June 5-9, 2013
Through the years, the subject of archetypes and the power of personal myths in our lives have become part of our every day conversation. People often call my weekly radio show to ask me questions about how their archetypes are influencing their relationships or their choice of occupations or their health. Many people want to know how their archetypal myths are playing a role in how they envision their creativity or their decision-making skills. These are not easy questions to answer in two or three minutes, to say the least. But such questions are indications that we are now living in a far more intuitively active society in which ordinary answers to the deeper questions about our lives are no longer sufficient.
In response to these changes in our psychic/social climate, I decided to write a second book about familiar archetypes that presented the characteristics of these archetypal patterns through a series of “life categories” that every person can relate to in some way. These categories are: Life Journey, Unique Challenge, Universal Lesson, Defining Grace, Inner Shadow, and Archetypal Myths. In this workshop, we will explore the power of archetypes as they relate to your life, your relationships, your health, your life choices and most intriguing of all, the myths you deeply believe to be true about who you are. We are all attached to a complex of personal myths – for example, “I thought I would always be young,” or “I never thought I would have to support myself.” We grow up believing one thing to be true forever only to discover somewhere along the journey of our life that “forever” is simply not true. One of the greatest myths we all learn the hard way is that nothing is forever, no matter how much we would like the good things in life to last.
Our archetypal patterns govern the opportunities that come our way in life, though it is up to us to recognize the choices that they manifest. Our archetypes draw relationships into our life and likewise, we are drawn into the lives of others through their archetypes. Life is ultimately one continuous archetypal story in which lives intertwine. All events that unfold in the world are rooted in archetypal myth as well, as they are the handiwork of human beings. Archetypes are the language – the code – of the soul itself.
You already “read” archetypes fluently, though you may be more familiar with the word “labeling”. Any one who enjoys “people watching” is highly skilled at reading someone’s archetypes in a second. Sitting quietly at a coffee shop, the people-watcher thinks as she or he views the individuals walking by, “That person looks like a Geek and that one, I bet, is a young Entrepreneur. She looks like a Lawyer and that woman looks like a Mom out for the day.” We label people (read archetypes) in an instant because we need to organize our world around power, safety, and survival. It’s instinctual. One archetype or label tells us half of what we need to know about the stranger walking by in an instant: Is that person approachable? Is that person like me? Is that someone I can trust? Does that person seem honest? One archetype communicates all that to you in an instant.
Why not learn to read archetypes consciously – especially your own? Come join me for this wonderful workshop.
Join today for access to this 10-hour video workshop.