Hours of video and audio highlights from CMED workshops and events.
Sacred Contracts and Your Archetypes
To help you understand and fulfill your Sacred Contract, you have been encoded with a set of 12 primary archetypes.
World Religions
Learn about the similarities and distinctions among the world’s many spiritual traditions.
Your Daily Practice
Each day is a new beginning. Your task today is to learn the practice of consciously entering your body and your day.
Take Charge
Learn how to take charge of your money, creativity, health, relationships and spirit. Intention without action amounts to nothing, so take charge today!
Chakras: Your Energetic Being
Explore your seven power centers and see how they reflect what’s happening in your body and in your life.
Entering the Castle Online Feature
Discover what it means to be of service to this world as a person who has the soul of a mystic while leading an ordinary life.
Visual Meditation
Begin and end your day with this powerful, practical and inspirational meditation.
Brief explanations of the terms used throughout this site.
Archetype Readings
Find a professional Sacred Contract Consultant to identify and interpret the archetypal patterns that comprise your Sacred Contract.