Hello. My name is Cindy Funfsinn. I have been working with Caroline Myss since 2002. I am the manager of CMED Bookplace and also on staff with the CMED Institute. I am a graduate of the first Sacred Contracts course which started in 2003. With each passing year, Caroline has refined and introduced new aspects to archetypal consulting and I have been fortunate to be present at all of the subsequent classes as a staff member soaking in all of Caroline’s brilliant insights and knowledge.
Discovering your archetypes and learning how they have influenced the choices you have made in your life provides insight into who you are and the Sacred Contracts you are fulfilling. These same archetypes continue to color your reactions to life’s situations and influence the choices you are making today. Becoming familiar with archetypal energies and learning how to recognize those energies can help transform your life by allowing you to consciously choose the energies of your life instead of them choosing you. Engaging a symbolic view of your life can and will empower you with new insight to meet the challenges of your life and the tools to move forward.
As a graduate of the Sacred Contracts CMED Program, I offer archetypal readings and consultations. I am available for consultations and readings mainly by distant readings (phone & email) but also do small discussion groups and schedule in office appointments.
For more information and fee schedule, contact Cindy at [email protected] or [email protected]